
Taking a 30 day water challenge can have huge benefits on your physical and mental health.They come with their own sets of challenges but the benefits are definitely worth it! Check out our list below for some 30 day water challenge instructions!

What Do I Do?

The challenge is simple.
Drink one gallon of water every day for 30 days.
Keep in mind one gallon of water is 128 ounces, of 16 cups, of water.
This is double the typical guideline for the amount of water you should drink in a day but it has tons of benefits.
It may be hard and comes with its own challenges but the benefits can be great for you!

What Are the Benefits?

Drinking 16 cups of water a day means you’ll be properly hydrated.
Your skin might clear up, your digestive system will thank you, and you will probably get less headaches.
You’ll likely have more energy and you’ll notice changes in your mood.
The benefits vary by person and some of the factors include how much water you normally drink in comparison to drinking one gallon per day as well as activity level and overall general health.
Make sure you’re keeping your electrolytes in check by consuming enough salt in your food and if you have any questions, seek advice from a doctor.

What Are the Challenges?

Drinking that much water a day might seem easy but actually doing it might be difficult for some people. You will definitely need to make more pit stops than usual, at least until your body gets used to consuming that much water.

Another challenge is simply logistics. Keeping track of the amount you consume can be done with an app, simply marking it off on a piece of paper, or literally carrying a one gallon container of water everywhere.Do what works best for you! As long as you get your ounces in, it doesn’t matter how you track them.

Silver Springs would love to provide the fresh, clean water you drink for your 30 day water challenge.
Contact us today to see how you can get our healthy water delivered right to your home or office!

Why Silver Springs Water?

Silver Springs San Diego offers water delivery services, water coolers and equipment. We deliver chemical free water direct to your home/premises, on a no contract basis. If you have concerns over the water purity in your area, consider using our tap water testing products .

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