
Water is vital in the child’s health and well-being, however, research shows far too many children are not getting enough. It’s not difficult for a child to become dehydrated, especially as they often find it difficult to recognize when they’re thirsty and the need to drink. Dehydration can then lead to symptoms such as fatigues and headaches.

How Much Water Do Your Children Need?

Water requirements vary depending on a number of factors. Needs can depend on the weather conditions and activity levels. Other factors like the age of the child, their sex, and the amount they weigh should all be taken into consideration. According to the guidelines issued by the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies, water requirements for children are as follows:

  • 4 – 8 years should be drinking 5 cups a day
  • 9 – 13-year-old girls should drink 7 cups daily cups a day, while boys should be drinking 8 cups
  • 14 – 18 your old girls should be drinking 8 cups oil and boys should be drinking 11 cups
  • Children of younger ages will have different requirements. Information on these guidelines can be found here .

Encouraging Your Children To Drink More Water

Try to get your children in the routine of drinking water with their meals and at regular intervals during the day. Make sure they have access to clean fresh water – consider buying bottled water so there is always a convenient supply.  A ready supply of water is especially important if your child is very active, or on hot summer’s days. If your children don’t like the taste of tap water, try using a water filter or buy naturally flavored waters.


Water is vital to a child’s health, but many of them don’t drink enough. If a child allows themselves to become dehydrated it can cause common health problems such as headaches and fatigue. By getting your child into the habit of regularly drinking water, you’re teaching them healthy habits that have numerous benefits to their wellbeing.

Why Silver Springs Water?

Silver Springs San Diego offers the water delivery without the need for contracts! We provide Planet Ion delivery, as well as water coolers for rent or purchase. Silver Springs  San Diego also offers water testing services . Learn about Silver Springs San Diego and our delivery services by visiting our website today.

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