
As the heat of summer continues, the usual water-related news just keeps coming. Here’s a look at some of August’s most prominent San Diego water news stories.

San Diego Fishermen Hook a Shark

Some San Diego fishermen were in for a bit of a surprise when they recently took to the waters. Instead of the usual sea fare they managed to hook something considerably larger – a Mako shark! The video was filmed by San Diego Fly Fishing Group and posted online. In the footage, viewers can see the shark making a number of backflips in the air as it attempts to escape from the hook.

At Last, San Diego Water Restrictions Begin To Ease

The San Diego drought has never been far from the news in recent years, which led to a strict mandate over water usage being put into place. However, water regulations are beginning to ease and this means some of the restrictions in water use are being lifted.

This is good news for residents in California who want to water their lawns. However, there are still some limitations, and when you can water your lawn and how often will depend on which district of San Diego you live.

If you need further information on when you can or can’t water your lawn, you’ll find it here .


The San Diego County Water Authority is encouraging the community to get ‘WaterSmart’. Instead of just maintaining water conservation when water supplies are low, residents are being urged to protect water resources wherever they can.

Greater water efficiency can help water security into the future. For this reason, the ‘Live WaterSmart’ campaign is sharing a list of ways San Diego County residents can curb water use. The measures include using smart fixtures for plumbing, choosing plants with greater water efficiency and fixing leaks to avoid water loss.

To further encourage conservation, an incentive program is due to be launched in August. The program will teach people how to create sustainable landscapes, which use less water. San Diego residents could also consider using tracking gadgets to monitor their water usage.

Why Silver Springs Water?

Our company allows you to get Planet Ion delivered direct to your door. Silver Springs Water offers a range of services to residential and commercial customers in the San Diego area including Planet Ion delivery and water coolers and equipment. Silver Springs high pH water provides the healthiest possible water for customers who are looking to enhance their lifestyle. For further details of our delivery services visit our page here .

Contact us today at Silver Springs to have clean water delivered to your home or office! Silver Springs is the Best Drinking Water Delivery Company serving San Diego. Silver Springs Water provides water delivery products as well as water dispenser equipment. Whether you need home water delivery or business water delivery, Silver Springs can accommodate your needs without the need for a contract. Silver Springs also offers San Diego Tap Water Testing Services . Learn about our water company in San Diego, and check your San Diego water delivery service area by entering your zip code.

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