
We are one month into 2016 and San Diego has some interesting water news! Hopefully conserving water is one of your new year’s resolutions and is one you’re sticking with! Below are a few stories that make up the San Diego best water roundup for January 2016.


With San Diego’s seemingly never ending drought, the state is on the hunt for more ways to meet the city’s water needs. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has announced $182 million in federal funding will be funneled into improving California’s water infrastructure in both the areas of wastewater and drinking water. As weather conditions stay dry and the drought continues, California has recognized it needs to act and move toward sustainable and environmentally friendly solutions to its water problems.

Sustainability is key to ensuring population growth and a healthy community for years to come.

Legal Battles Continue

Water policies have been undergoing scrutiny and have been a hot topic in court this year and some of those battles continue . The City of San Diego and Metropolitan Water District of Southern California have undergone legal battles regarding how much money is charged to deliver water, rebate programs, and other critical water issues.

Between the two entities, more than 30 million dollars has been spent in legal fees on just one dispute alone, begging the question- who is really benefiting from all this fighting?


The results are in and the residents of San Diego can be proud! An 18 percent water savings in December keeps San Diego on track to meet its water saving goals.It is hard to make any headway in water savings in the winter since less outdoor water is used in landscaping efforts so to see 18 percent is a great stride for the city’s residents.

Contact us today at Silver Springs to have clean water delivered to your home or office! Silver Springs is the Best Drinking Water Delivery Company serving San Diego. Silver Springs Water provides water delivery products as well as water dispenser equipment. Whether you need home water delivery or business water delivery, Silver Springs can accommodate your needs without the need for a contract. Silver Springs also offers San Diego Tap Water Testing Services . Learn about our water company in San Diego, and check your San Diego water delivery service area by entering your zip code.

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