
One of the many health crazes going around today is regarding negative ion water. There are claims that it’s amazing, there are claims that it’s damaging, but what is true?

Types of Negative Ion Water Processing

One of the things people may not understand is there are different processes that can be used to make negative ion water. There are artificially ionized water that is made using chemicals. Adding chemicals of any kind of food or water is not recommended for a healthy lifestyle. The chemicals, especially a white powder made from calcium solutions, can contain toxic metal levels which are obviously not good for your health. However, utilizing a unique E2 technology to create high 8.5pH Planet Ion and add stable negative ions without chemicals, is the industry best practice. This process individualizes the molecules of water to help them properly absorb in your body for maximum hydration.

The Fountain of Youth

There are many claims that negative ion water is like the Fountain of Youth. Drink negative ion water and your skin will be clear and smooth, your eye sight improves, and you’ll never grow old. Your pH levels magically realign themselves and you will just be healthier. While a kernel of truth lies at the heart of these claims, there isn’t a simple magical solution to youth. It is represented by the FDA that drinking oxygenated or ionized water does not change the blood pH level. However,the FDA does not dispute the fact that clean and healthy drinking water is vital to our health. Providing your family with 8.5pH Planet Ion, can change your life!

Negative Ion Water Not Created Equally

Keep in mind, not all negative ion waters are created equally. The stable negative ion in water allows for the easier absorption of water into your body and this is where the health benefit lies.Starting with clean water and putting it through our E2 process is what makes our water different and gives you the benefits of negative ion water. Starting with proper hydration is good practice for any healthy lifestyle!

Contact us
today at Silver Springs Water to arrange local delivery to your home or business for any of our other water products!

Contact Silver Spring Water today to ensure you have the healthiest water at your fingertips!

Silver Springs Water is a bottled water delivery service serving Las Vegas & San Diego . If you are in need of home water delivery , commercial water delivery , negative ion water delivery or filtered water delivery . Silver Springs Water is your premium choice.Learn about our water delivery services , and check your water delivery service area by entering your zip code.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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