
You probably wish you could leave those winter pounds behind with the season. A lot of indulgence during the cold months was fun at the time, but now you want to lose the weight and get ready for summer. Here are four ways that you can kiss your winter weight goodbye.

  1. Change the way you eat

If you put on a few pounds thanks to the warm and delicious comfort foods you enjoyed during the cold winter months, it’s not a bad idea to start eating lighter meals. Eat more salads and less carbs. Make sure you eat proper portions. Overindulging in anything will not help in your weight loss effort. Eat dessert less often. If you have a sweet tooth, enjoy yogurt, fruit, and smoothies. If you’re ready to get your summer body back, eating better is the perfect place to begin.

  1. Drink water

Drinking more water will help you to feel full longer. This will help you to consume fewer calories and lose weight. Drink a glass or two of water before every snack and meal you eat. Water is also a better choice of beverage as it has no calories or fat. If you drank a lot of coffee, hot cocoa, and other speciality drinks during the winter, reducing your consumption of them now will help you to lose weight. Drinking water will also help you to look younger and more healthy.

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Winter is over and the temperature is rising. It still might be raining, but don’t use that as an excuse to avoid working out. You can go for walks in the rain and do at-home workouts. If you don’t have the self-motivation to work out at home, hit the gym a few times a week. Set a steps goal for each day and figure out how to hit it. If you work in an office, make sure you take walks during your break and lunch. If there are stairs, walk them. By getting active again you will drop those winter pounds. Implement physical activity into each day even if it means going for a thirty minute walk each evening.

  1. Get enough sleep

Getting enough sleep is important for your weight loss. If you stay up late, you might want to enjoy a midnight snack or two. This will add to your calorie count for the day. Sleeping enough will also mean you have enough energy the next day to be active. If you don’t get enough sleep, your hunger hormones become messed up, which leads to overeating and weight gain. Aim for at least 7-8 hours of sleep per night. If you have trouble falling asleep, try turning off your TV and phone at least thirty to sixty minutes before bedtime to let your brain calm down. Being overstimulated can make it difficult to fall asleep. Make sleep a priority for better energy to get you through the day and to aid in your weight loss.

With summer on the way you probably want to drop your winter weight and get your body back. By following the above tips you won’t have any trouble shedding the pounds.

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